Sigmund Giltfinger

Decrepit, Disgraced, Dastardly ...

... and your only help in getting through this dungeon.


Recently our team has been working to design and implement our merchant NPC. An incredibly successful thief and all-around scoundrel in his time; keeping himself incredibly wealthy, arrogant, and cocky. Until he grew bold enough to steal from the Gods – who in turn cursed him to have his body forever match his sins. Now he eternally roams the dark halls of the Lich’s Lair – a snake oil salesman in the form of a tall anthropomorphic rat with necrotic festering wounds and mysterious wares to showcase.

Since we returned to development, I have been working on concept art and possible iterations for Sigmund’s character design. Pinning down his body design, clothes, and colour palette.

I love our creepy lil’ rat guy and can’t wait to see him fully implemented into the game.

Lee – Art Lead

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Sep 18, 2023

Get Lich's Lair

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